Home > Become a children's advocate
Become a children's advocate
When it comes to public policy, rules, and regulations that affect children, the children cannot speak for themselves. As adults, we owe them the effort it takes to keep them in safe and healthy environments.
Our goal is to mobilize community members to take action on children’s issues by participating in legislative policy formation and convening local grassroots activities. We’ll help you learn about the issues and suggest ways you can support the teachers and caregivers who work with and care for our children every day.
As a children’s advocate, you might:
- Write a letter
- Make phone calls
- Attend special events
- Talk with your neighbors
- Invite a legislator to visit your program
- Assist in writing child care licensing rules
- Build relationships with news media
- Serve on a committee
- Help write a parent newsletter
- Encourage others to get involved
For more information about child advocacy volunteer opportunities, send us an email or call us at 800-577-2276.
For advocacy events in Ohio, please visit www.groundworkohio.org or www.voicesforclevelandschildren.org.